Everyone knows it is important to floss their teeth, but many people don’t know of the benefits that come along with regular flossing. While brushing cleans most of the tooth area, flossing allows us to clean the areas between our teeth that a toothbrush can’t reach. One of the benefits of flossing regularly is to remove bacteria and plaque from between our teeth and gums to prevent the development of cavities and periodontal diseases such as gingivitis. Flossing your teeth can also relieve bad breath by ridding your mouth of hidden food particles and bacteria which cause foul odors.

What are the different types of floss, and how often should you floss?

There are many types of dental floss that are either waxed or unwaxed which are available and include:

  • tape floss
  • teflon floss
  • floss picks
  • nylon floss
  • flosses made from other synthetic materials

Most dentists suggest their patients to use the type of dental floss that works best for them. Many dentists prefer for their patients to use a traditional non-waxed floss which wraps around the fingers; and to keep away from the floss picks due to their tendency to impede the quality of flossing. All dentists will suggest that everyone flosses at least once a day to disrupt the accumulation of bacteria and food particles in the gums and between teeth.

Consequences of Not Flossing

Flossing may seem to be a task which isn’t too important to some people, but a lack of flossing in your routine can lead to bad consequences such as bad breath. If you don’t floss, it is likely that you will develop cavities between your teeth, and your gums will become infected due to gingivitis. If gum diseases are left untreated, they quickly escalate to more severe conditions which can cause tooth loss and medical conditions as severe as heart disease.

Think twice the next time skipping flossing crosses your mind. Speak to your dentist about suggestions for how to brush and floss your teeth properly to promote good oral health.
