A root canal is no more the cause of sleepless nights. When done by a qualified dentist, it actually works at relieving you of pain and discomfort.

Root Canal Procedure

Most of us are not clear about the procedure and the procedure of treatment followed. Knowing a little about it, helps to understand it better and build up patience to endure the treatment. It is a procedure where the dentist reaches into the root of the infected teeth. In medical parlance it is referred to as the pulp. The pulp is extracted and the place is filled with fillings that prevent the infection from attacking once again. Once the filling has set in, a crown is placed, which makes it look like your normal teeth. This procedure helps your teeth to be free of infections and be in the best of dental health. It also helps relieve you of the sensitivity that occurs due to a root canal infection.

While the local area is anesthetized before the procedure is performed, it can take anywhere from an hour to three, for the entire procedure to be completed. The area is drilled to reach into the root. This can be a painful procedure if not conducted under the influence of anesthesia. While a root canal on the molar takes multiple canals, a root canal procedure on the incisors can be done with the help of one canal and a relatively shorter procedure.

Aftercare for a Root Canal

The procedure is completed in one sitting. The removal of the root eliminates the sensitivity from the teeth. After the procedure the patient does feel soreness and pain after the effect of the anesthesia wears away. The dentists advise to stay away from food that could require extra chewing. Once the pain has subsided, one can go back to one’s routine eating and drinking habits.

A root canal procedure, though an important procedure, is no more as painful as it once used to be. So if your dentist recommends a root canal there is no need to be scared, rather be open to it and relieve yourself of the infection that could be more painful in comparison to a mere procedure.
