VirtuOx Pulse Oximetry
Briggs Family & Cosmetic Dentistry's foundational philosophy is care and concern of our patients' overall health and well-being. This encompasses oral healthcare, medical history and the quality and quantity of sleep. Just like oral cancer screening has become an integral part of a hygiene appointment, examining the airway, tissues in the soft palate and patterns of wear on the teeth provide valuable clues to potential Sleep Breathing Disorders.
As Part of a check-up, the clinical staff and Doctors may recommend a simple test to check the blood oxygen levels during sleep. The VirtuOx Pulse-Oximetry Test is worn like an Apple Watch over the wrist and a sensor over the finger, you simply turn on the device and go to sleep. Once returned to the office, the data is downloaded and reviewed by the Doctor. Best of all there is no extra fee for this screening.
8 Shades Whiter Smile
Minimal Irritation
Only One visit
Oral Health Consultation
Includes Full Mouth X-Ray and Treatment Plan
Exam & Cleaning
Includes Full Mouth Cleaning
White Filling
Includes 1 Composite Filling
Laser Teeth Whitening
Minimally Invasive Techology
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam massa ligula, aliquet euismod eleifend vitae, interdum ut mi. Praesent fringilla pharetra sapien sit amet semper. Nunc id massa ut mi tempus mattis ac eu lectus. Praesent egestas eleifend porta. Sed posuere venenatis libero quis tempor. Nulla metus mi, malesuada eu risus nec, placerat imperdiet ex.