Oral health is as important as physical feeling and being. The mouth is the first zone which comes into contact with delicious food. Our eyes and senses entice us to taste delectable food, irrespective of the fact whether it is good for us or not.

With that said there are five different categories of food that dentists discourage us from eating. These are not only a threat to healthy teeth and gums, but can be an overall threat to your health. Certain foods although do not contribute by way of food qualities, lead to attracting more bacteria which manifests itself in the form of plaque and tarter and other problems.

5 Foods to Avoid for Good Dental Health

  1. Avoid foods that cling: There are some kinds of food that are sticky and can leave residues behind in the form of a sticky plate on the teeth enamel. They are the chewy and gummy food like caramel, candy, dried fruits like prunes that stick on to the teeth and cannot be removed even when brushed thoroughly. Avoid these food and switch to raw vegetable, yogurt, cheese and sugar free confectionaries.
  2. Avoid refined carbohydrates: This is by far one of the most harmful of food groups. Avoid refined carbohydrates in the form of white bread, crackers, cookies and chips that jut avoid the unwanted calories to the body and bad for your oral health in general. In addition, junk food in the form of burgers and fries are best avoided. They add to the unneeded sugar in the body, which in the long term is extremely harmful.
  3. Avoid acidic foods: While too much sugar is bad for the body, so is overtly citric food. Food containing acid if consumed over a period of time can cause dental erosion and harm the gums as well. Dental erosion could cause the upper layer of the teeth to erode and expose the nerve, making it excruciatingly painful. Even if you have to consume citric food, it is advised to brush your teeth and gums after eating such food.
  4. Avoid hard foods: Avoid foods that are hard in texture and those that can put unnecessary pressure on the teeth. These could cause the enamel to crack and damage filings as well. Even while eating hard food it is good to be careful.
  5. Foods with extreme temperatures: Some of us may be extremely sensitive to overtly hot or cold food. With that said, it may be beneficial to avoid very cold or hot food. Sometimes extreme temperature causes the filings to expand or crack. It could be painful for those who have sensitive teeth as well. Like the law of sciences, where extremes lows in temperature is harmful as the highs, similarly an icy drink after a hot beverage could lead to a crack in the teeth enamel.