What are canker sores? Typically, canker sores are mouth ulcers and in medical terms known as aphthous ulcers. They surface in the form of small white specks in the gums or on the inside of the lips.

These small specks are actually ulcers that can be extremely irritable as also painful. Before you know it they increase in size and become painful making it difficult to eat or drink normally. While the exact cause of canker sores is unknown, there are various remedies available for these sores. Some of which might or might not work as the case may be.

While the exact reason for the occurrence of canker sores are not known, some feel it may be a cause of a bad diet, unhygienic living, bad oral habits, or digestion problems amongst other things. They could also appear as an after effect of some medications. In addition to over the counter drugs for such ulcers, a cure in the form of alternative medicine can also be a great help.

4 Simple Home Remedies for Canker Sores

  • A Q-tip dipped in salt water solution (warm water and salt mix) and applied to the sore 2-3 times a day can help extract the infection. It also helps reduce pain.
  • Herbal oils made of sorrel, myrrh, sage, tea tree oil can help rid the infection as also mitigate the pain that occurs.
  • Mouthwash made with hydrogen peroxide and water (in the ratio of 1:3) used for 5-10 minutes after every major meal will help to get rid of the ulcers. In addition, it will also leave your teeth shining and white. You may want to do a small test to make sure you are not allergic or have any other side effects.
  • Mouthwash can also be made of soda bicarbonate. It will help to kill the bacteria and leave your mouth feeling fresh and germ free.

These small tips will help you to deal with the pain and eventually help get rid of canker sores completely.

Image credit: Nucleus Communications, Inc. All rights reserved.
