Many people who visit the dentist in this day and age can remember at least one time that they had an x-ray done on their mouths. The reason that dentists do this is so that they can get a better look at your teeth and see small and minor differences. With the advancements in oral health machines used to perform these operations have improved dramatically. One of the most advanced machines used today by dentist for your oral health are digital x-rays.

Advancements in Dental X-rays

Many people have experienced the use of the most recent form of x-ray machines; digital x-rays. These machines function in a very similar fashion to traditional x-ray machines in that they take pictures of your teeth, mouth, and jaw with the use of x-rays. The only difference between these and the machines of old is that they are actually much more accurate and feed into a computer which delivers faster results.

Are Digital X-rays Safe?

You’re oral health is very important, but many people are wondering if digital x-rays are safe. Generally speaking digital x-rays do not provide any more risk than traditional x-ray machines. There is a very, very small amount of radiation that is produced by the machine. Your body absorbs that and in very high amounts it can be dangerous. However, the simple fact of the matter is that it is very unlikely you would develop any health problems from x-rays unless you were exposed very frequently to them. Some people may be at greater risk and need to consult with their dentist beforehand.

Digital x-rays are a great new tool to help improve the diagnosis and procreation of good oral health. Your dentist may not have this tool yet because they are so new, but look for them next time you are at the dentist and know that it is safe!
